De kracht van gedachten
11 Oktober 2024 / 9 Tisjri 5785 Ken je dat? Zo’n vervelende negatieve sleur waarbij een negatief stemmetje in je hoofd alles om je heen
Kosher geloven
We weten allemaal wat kosher is. Het zijn speciale religieuze wetten, maar ook het gevoel dat kan opkomen op innerlijk niveau dat iets niet pluis
Modesty als spirituele en praktische leefstijl
Oproep tot bescheiden en modest leven, begin bij jezelf! Bescheidenheid gaat niet alleen over de manier waarop we ons kleden of presenteren; het is een
The 7 Noahide Mitzvot (Commandments)
Way before Judaism came into being and before there were any Israelites, there were people who tried to live as G'd, HaShem prescribed. In fact, these precepts are universal for all mankind and consist of 7 rules.
What Is The Omer Count And What Can A Noahide Do With It?
Thursday night on April 6, the Omer counting had begun, but what exactly is the Omer counting?
Noahides and the Shabbat
Many questions are asked about Shabbat. Is Shabbat now for everyone or only for the Jewish people? What about the rituals? Or is it only for religious people?
Passover, improving yourself
Passover, the Jewish feast where the miraculous exodus from Egypt is commemorated. For Noahides, this is a feast to learn about the Exodus story and to learn what the feast means for the Jewish people.
Commandment and prohibition or still a mitzvah?
The terms commandment and prohibition are often used in our Dutch culture when referring to Biblical principles.
The 7 mitzvot, where do we find them?
Like most of the commandments and prohibitions given to the Jewish people, we also see with the commandments and prohibitions given to all mankind that they are not always immediately noticeable.